Hater Mindset!

Understanding the mindset of a HATER Do you really have haters?  People all talk about let the haters hate.  But, what is a hater and what do they hate?  Hate is an emotion fueled by intense feelings that invoke extreme bitterness towards other individuals.  Haters have been bitten by the green-eyed monster that produces venomous […]

Letter to Trauma of Kim Kardashian

Letter to the Traumatized Kim Kardashian I can’t begin to explain the events that took place on the night when I was in Paris.  All I can think about is how I should have been smart enough not to be left alone.  Maybe if I would have stayed behind and not even went to Paris, […]

Strong Women Break Too

Strong Women Break Too Stuck in your own thoughts with no one else to listen.  Carrying the loads of life and expectations and no one to help her bear the internal loads of distress and excess baggage.  Reaching many points of breaking glasses only to be the one to scrape up the shattered pieces.  Psyching […]