Keys to Make your Dreams Come Alive
By Shannon Battle, Clinical Coach Don’t allow your current position to hinder you from fulfilling your purpose. Why aren’t you moving forward? Have your beliefs turned into action steps? You will never feel like you’re ready for the next level of your great. You can have the faith and affirmations set in your mind and […]
Strong Women Break Too
Strong Women Break Too Stuck in your own thoughts with no one else to listen. Carrying the loads of life and expectations and no one to help her bear the internal loads of distress and excess baggage. Reaching many points of breaking glasses only to be the one to scrape up the shattered pieces. Psyching […]
CEO’s are Good Moms Too!
THINK BEFORE YOU THROUGH THE ROCK! I imagined the ridicule that, CEO Marissa Meyer, faced from only taking 10 days of maternity leave after the adoption of her new baby. The initial reaction of most women would likely be insulting from disbelief of this woman’s decision. I didn’t share in this sentiment. As a CEO […]