Many of us oftentimes allow potential to stay locked up inside of us because we are unaware of how to pull greatness out of us. If you have ever found yourself locked away in the thoughts of yourself imagination unable to place yourself on the outside of the doors to your potential, then it’s time to release the imagination. You can begin to not only believe but ACHIEVE NOW. When you see others girding their way to success or as you read the accomplishments of others, you can too be the next success story. Is it easy? No, in fact it takes much courage to reach beyond the realm of your mind. However, the first sign to a true person of success is one who is able to dream and then envision. Everything that exists started with a dream or a thought. A figment of your imagination can be transported to a reality of this world. I am reminded of a biblical story about three men given three different talents. One was given one talent by God, the other two, and the other four. The two with the most talents took what they had and made it more. They didn’t stop with the thought of what they could do, but they actively engaged what they were given to acquire more. They were ones who saw greatness in what they were given. They were the ones who were courageous enough to believe they could achieve. Then there was the one man who hid his talent. He was given something and did not know what to do with it, so he hid it locking his potential to grow. That is where you find the majority of people, stuck in their thoughts. They are limited to how they make their thoughts a reality. This becomes mentally frustrating and causes a series of emotions that are responsible for creating a whirlwind of fear and discouragement. Now, behind the locked door of the imagination are the crippling blockades of obstacles. The obstacles are not merely external tangibles like capital and buildings, but they are the internal walls that create mountains in our minds. We internally set ourselves up for fear and create problems that prohibit us from making a move. We become as the man with the one talent, afraid of the potential of success. You might ask how someone can be afraid of success? Success is the reciprocal to failure. When you imagine your talents and feel the potential of its success, you counter those thoughts with the fear of the success failing. This is where the locked dreams become dead because of the chained momentum of achieving. Many fail to realize the gift of greatness that lies locked in their imagination. Where do you see yourself? It becomes mentally frustrating to be stuck in a place where you no longer fit. It is even more aggravating when you thoughts are bigger than your lifestyle. The good news is you CAN achieve. You can be more than what you dream. You can turn your talents into a business or you can be like the one talent man who accomplished nothing so God gave his talent to someone who would make use of it. At this point, I am here to encourage and challenge you to dare to believe “ICAN”. If you are ready to believe “ICAN” then follow this journey as I help you uncover the fruitfulness of your talent.


I am a resource for consultation with those who are stumped by a particular problem or hindered by a particular obstacle or barrier.


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